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Wüssten Sie, dass Sesamsamen zu den ältesten Kulturpflanzen der Welt gehören? Wir beginnen mit ganzen schwarzen Sesamsamen, rösten sie perfekt und stellen daraus unsere eigene, pure und seidige Paste her, die wir dann unserer feinen Kakaobutterbasis hinzufügen. Diese neue Tafel ist cremig, dekadent, und nüssig (aber ohne Nüsse!) Die Inspiration dazu haben wir in unserer kleinen Eisdiele gefunden. #StayTrue


Did you know that sesame seeds are one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world? We start with whole black sesame seeds, roast them gently to perfection and use them to make our own pure and silky paste, which we then add to our delicate cocoa butter base. This new bar is creamy, decadent, and nutty (but without nuts!) We found the inspiration for it in our little ice cream parlor. #StayTrue


By the way, it pairs beautifully together with our white chocolate lavender blackberry too!

White Chocolate with Toasted Black Sesame

6,90 €Price
1 Kilogram
VAT Included |
  • Cacao Butter, Cane Sugar, Milk Powder, Black Sesame

    Kakaobutter, Rohrzucker, Milchpulver, Schwarzer Sesam

    NO GMO, No Soy, No Emulsifiers, No Palm oil

    Allergen Information: contains milk products and sesame
    Allergene: enthält Milchprodukte und Sesam

    (May contain traces of gluten, and nuts)

    Hand crafted in very small batches in our own kitchen near Munich.

    Weight: 60g

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