Our two ingredient stone-ground chocolate offers an intense and vibrant flavor profile, with a smooth mouthfeel and a long finish.
What sets it apart from commercial chocolate? Our dedication to the sourcing (as proper fermentation and drying is essential) and roasting (we do several test batches before deciding on which one we like best) provides a truly craft chocolate experience.
The beauty of single origin, when roasted delicately, is that you literally can taste the place. Much like wine, the terroir plays an essential role.
Our bars are naturally fruity, vibrant, nutty, and so much more. Allow a piece to slowly melt in your mouth. Engage all of your senses – let the chocolate linger and savor the flavor journey. You will notice some flavors seem familiar to you. These are simply the cacao beans you are tasting! We do not add any inclusions to our bars.
This is the magic of single origin, bean to bar craft chocolate. Enjoy your journey!
Bist du bereit für eine kleine Genussreise?
Unsere Craft Chocolate hat einen intensiven und lebendigen Geschmack, eine angenehme cremige Konsistenz und einen langen Nachklang. Unsere spezielle Röstung sorgt für eine Balance zwischen fruchtigen Aromen und der natürlichen Säure der Kakaobohnen.

Not sure which bar to choose? click on a flavor profile for more information!
weisse schoki